San Marcos High School

Employment Information / Información de empleo
During School Year 2023-2024: Work Permits Issued at School Sites August 16, 2022 - Jun 8, 2023.
Work permits that were issued this school year or that are issued over the summer will expire on Tuesday, August 29, 2023.
Steps to Employment:
Job Search Prep Kit
Make a Master Job Application
Make sure your voicemail and email address are work appropriate
Keep a list of businesses that you have contacted and how you have contacted them (examples: talked to manager, turned in application, went in to check on status of an interview, interviewed, etc.)
At an entry level position very few employers will ask for a resume however when it is necessary you have will have to build one or update the one you currently have
Job Search
Network – who do you know?
Pounding the Pavement – walk/drive around town to see if anyone is hiring
Search online
Prepare for Interview
What to wear
What to say
What to bring
Obtained Employment