San Marcos High School

Jobs and Internships / Empleos y pasantías
Are you interested in applying for a job now or in the near future?​
View our list of Jobs for Students.​
Paid Internships with Partners in Education. Students who successfully complete the 7-week virtual training program earn a $150 stipend and have the opportunity to be matched with paid internships at local organizations. The opportunity is now available to high school juniors and seniors at public high schools across Santa Barbara County. Students can apply here:
Students: If you wish to find a job or renew an existing work permit, please pay attention to the following. Our process for issuing or renewing work permits has changed.
Work Permit Basic Process:
Find a job.
Print the SBUSD Work Permit Application B1-1 Form and complete Student and Parent sections
Have your Employer complete their section
Drop off the completed and signed Work Permit Application form to the College and Career Center (B-6)
You will be notified when the Official Work Permit is complete (within 3-4 days).
Return it to your employer.
Maintain 2.0 GPA, including no failing classes, and good attendance to keep your permit active. This still applies to Distance Learning model.
* If your GPA drops below 2.0, then you will be placed on probation and must increase your GPA above 2.0 by the next grading period.
1. BEFORE filling out the internship paperwork below, email Julissa Garcia, the district Coordinator of College/Career Readiness/CTE at She needs information from you and your internship supervisor so that she can coordinate the LiveScan (fingerprinting) process with your internship supervisor.
2. Read the Internship Guidelines.
3. Read and complete the SBUnified Pre-Approval Internship Form. Email it to Ms. Woodard at for her approval signature.
4. Apply for and receive a work permit through the College & Career Center.
5. Read the SBUnified Post-Internship Form and have your SUPERVISOR complete it ONCE THE INTERNSHIP IS COMPLETE, and email to Ms. Woodard.